WP..... more Kia Ora
In 2010 I set about researching ski building and commenced preparation of a comprehensive workshop and equipment aquisition with some significant investment, while researching materials of the right specification and quality and finding the best onshore / offshore suppliers. Mid season 2011 I built a pair of ski's and a couple of Splitboards, which was an almightly relief given the amount of talking up the whole operation I had been raving on about - just ask my mates they are probably sick of hearing about "the project". However those first creations were a successful starting point and laid the foundation to move forward in 2012 with more splits and skis into low volume production and further development.

It will be an exciting path ahead, I really look forward to refining my designs, getting them into the mountains, and into the hands of some stoked customers.
The 2010/2011 Canterbury earthquakes forced us from our family home but my workshop is still very much intact and operational so SPLITN2 is good to go! In fact these experiences have galvanised me into action, this is a very satisfying and interesting past-time (and business!) and in doing this I have met some great people and been to some pretty cool places in the NZ back country.
My focus is back country (touring and expedition) related Splitboarding and ski touring/mountaineering. To supplement the Splitboards I build and complete the package as a full solution for NZ customers, I aligned with
Spark R&D from Montana USA and also
Voile for supply of essential Splitboarding parts.
The Superlite ski's I build are to support a very exciting project for a great mate and mad adventurer Erik Bradshaw who is developing a very unique and impressive back country travel solution
EXOBindings, for covering serious terrain efficiently. Eriks project was the testing ground for the first ski's we built together which were very well proven and tested in 2011 - read Erik's story of his
Southern Alps Ski Traverse here. These ski's are being further developed into production and already another spin-off model is in the pipeline.
My Facebook
www.facebook.com/splitn2 will remain as its a great way to keep in touch, and this website will develop in the mean time as my WordPress skills develop! That's the challenge with a small business eh, being the financial controller, financier, product designer, board builder, workshop b**ch, dogs body, and every other hat under the sun. Now I am webmaster too.....
Thanks for checking in at SPLITN2.COM and please come again!
Richard Harcourt
Ph 64-3-3266585
Skype richieharcourt