SPLITN2 Superlight Ski Mountaineer. On A Diet! Off to Chamonix...

March 26, 2012

Just finished building a beautiful Superlight Ski Mountaineer ski for Erik Bradshaw AKA www.exobindings.com. These bad boys will be off to Chamonix and surrounding area to do some serious missioning thru April 2012.   More news and pics on this trip as Erik feeds me his stories, and I'll throw up some GPS waypoints too so you can see his routes for yourself. This should be interesting and inspiring for anyone who likes to travel back country.   With some cunning laminating techniques we managed to shave off 150g per ski (down to 1150g per ski) without loosing any sleep over durability, and they will ski very well of course. Since building them I have done my maths on the next ski and we will have them down around 1000g per ski without any compromises on strength, in fact when you compare these with the opposition its quite scary. To achieve the low weights in the latest BD ski's they have cnc'd the core to bits to shave off as much as possible leaving no edge support as there is no decent sidewall above the edge, and the edge is a skinny light edge not a strong one like we are using. My skis have no shortcuts to weight saving, just using premium materials and optimal laminating methods.   Some GPS locations from Eriks SPOT Messenger device from his first day on the new ski's, a quick outing somewhere in the French Alps. This looks like a bit of a gear shakedown since its all freshly made ski's and bindings - yes all hand built the whole damn lot! Quick quote from Erik - "The skis were good as well. Much easier to initiate a turn and less surprises! Didn't get much good snow to give them a real test yet" http://fms.ws/7XKx-/44.79999N/6.72966E http://fms.ws/7XKEl/44.80214N/6.71569E http://fms.ws/7XIuk/44.82155N/6.71065E http://fms.ws/7XH-O/44.81948N/6.73513E http://fms.ws/7XGeU/44.80131N/6.73243E  

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